Saturday, October 04, 2008

Scenes from the morning market...

The Crazy Goat says you must eat chevre.

The Piccolo Man.

 Fall mums.

Simple and direct marketing.

Veggies.  The Hmong farmers are masterful merchandisers.

Good banjo music from a nice, friendly kid.

Weston Antique Apples.  Varieties seldom seen.

Stephanie cozies up to Obama.  No McCain cut-outs were to be seen.  I'm Canoelover and I endorse this message.


Green Laker said...

Looks like it was a brisk morning back there. Still, I miss the Madison farmer's market.

Carrie said...

This post has struck a chord with me Darren. Goodness.

The Farmers' Market is one of the things that I miss the most about Madison.

I am actually having a hard time finding local fare here in Maryland. I almost cried on my first trip to the FM here. It was mid-August and there was not a zucchini in sight. There were also only about three vendors (no meat, no dairy, no beets).

We are doing a fall CSA share but I am less than impressed with the quality and variety.

I am currently buying store eggs.

It's enough to make me cry.

Give my love to Stephanie and Ian. We sure miss you guys.

canoelover said...

Sorry. :-) Love you guys.