Sunday, March 23, 2008


A "friend" from Montreal gave me a jar of this stuff. "Working man's pate" he called it. I dunno...I'm a bit afraid. I need some Canadians to tell me (really) if this is safe or not. I suspect it's the Quebecois equivalent of Vegemite.

I am usually good about eating new stuff, but Canadian cuisine (e.g. Persians) have me a little bit suspicious. Help me Rosiewan Kenobi, you're my only hope...


Rosie said...

I'm on it. Have forwarded item in question to 3 best French Canadian friends and awaiting feedback. Anticipating reviews will not be good, but keeping an open mind.

mk said...

Pork in a Jar. Oh boy. Maybe you could eat it with pork rinds and a side of Spam.

canoelover said...


I plan on using it to bribe Gracie if reviews come back less than positive. I guess to Gracie, this would be heaven in a jar.