Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another NOT an odonate, Part II

We stop frequently when we paddle the OWL Trip so as to make it last longer.  One stop just east of Spring Green was a small island separated from the mainland by a shallow muddy slough.  This Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma) was drinking from the moist sand.  He was fairly tolerant of my proximity.   I was able to coax him onto my finger fairly easily.

The cool part about the Commas in general is their wings, which are brilliantly colored on the top but rather subdued on the bottom.  They have a habit of opening and closing their wings while they drink or feed, so getting a picture of the top of their wings is hard with a small camera because of the delay between pressing the shutter release and the actual picture taking (which is why I bought a digital SLR).

Pretty little Eastern Comma.

Respectfully submitted,


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