If you spend any time driving around country roads in Wisconsin, you will eventually encounter the Midwestern phenomenon I call the GFA Syndrome. We Midwesterners tend to create giant fiberglass animals and place them in public view. The giant muskellunge in Hawyard. The giant loon in Mercer. The big mouse in Fennimore. Delevan's giraffes and elephants.
There are also wonderful examples of GFAs in other states -- Audubon, Iowa has has the giant Hereford, Albert. Idaho has a giant potato (shocker). Apparently there are giant lobsters in the northeast. Crabs in Maryland.
Anyway...I was driving across Highway 13 and saw this cute little guy on the side of the road. The addition of a billboard built into his side made him even more interesting. Herefords are not normally green and white either.

I am SO tempted.
You may be surprised to learn that a great deal of those GFA's come from my hometown of Sparta from FAST Corp. (google it) Yep, good ole' Sparta. There parking lot is full of 'em. A proverbial "island of misfit toys". My dad knows the guy and had five larger than life ladybugs made and they crawl around the corner of their house. Now you understand why I am the way I am. I should blog it...
Maybe you should get a giant fiberglass canoe. Oh, wait a minute...
I think a dolphin slide in the back pond there is just what you guys need. Can you imagine the fun?
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